
GSS Eagles logo

Practice and Tournament Schedules

​​​Please note that these schedules are tentative and likely to change upon short notice.  If you have any questions, please contact the Coach or email the Eagles Athletic Director.​​​  Click on the schedule below for more details.



Students must be present at school on the day of a practice or tournament in order to participate.  A student that is absent from school is not allowed to practice or play in a tournament on the same day.

Athletics Handbook

Please find below the Golden Eagles Athletics Handbook which contains all relevant information for sport at GSS.

Athletics Handbook


Student Athlete Code of Conduct Form Student Athlete Code Of Conduct
Eagles Parents Welcome Letter  Eagles Athletics Letter To Parents

Working Together

Golden has been very fortunate to not only have great athletes in the past, but great support from their families and the community as well. We always welcome your questions and comments.

Potential Known Risks

It is important for all parents to be aware of the potential risks of playing on a school sports team. These risks include:

• Road conditions

• General risks associated with participating in school sport such as injury

• Supervision- at any sports activity it is important for parents to understand that athletes will be both directly supervised and indirectly supervised. Direct supervision includes the times when an athlete is with their coach(es) and/or chaperone(s). This includes practice and game times. Indirect supervision includes times when an athlete may not be with his/her coach(es) and/or chaperone(s). An example would be shopping at a mall. In cases of indirect supervision, athletes will always be given a cell phone number and know where to find his/her coach(es)/chaperone(s). In cases of indirect supervision athletes will be expected to be with another athlete ("buddy") at all times.

Athlete Fee

There is a $25 athlete fee charged per sport played.  This fee covers a team photo for each player and the cost to replace team uniforms regularly. 

Sports Team Fees

Tournament fees are charged at GSS to cover the associated costs incurred to participate on a team. These fees are charged per team per season. Team expenses are on a cost sharing basis and will cover items such as entry fees, transportation, accommodation, and coach's expenses.  Cost will depend on number of tournaments intended to play, number of home and home games and amount of travel. Athletes are responsible for their own food and personal expenses. Fees can be paid to the school office. Cheques are recommended and should be made out to Golden Secondary School. If financial assistance is needed, please contact the Athletic Department or School Administration.

Practice and Game Day Attendance

School policy mandates that students attend all classes, including those outside of the timetable, on days of competition or practices. Students are not permitted to sleep-in for extra rest or miss class to prepare for events. Attendance up to the designated departure time is mandatory, but classes beyond departure can be excused but missed work and learning must be made up. Athletes are responsible for their own missed learning and should communicate directly with their teachers about missing class time. In the case of an excused absence such as a medical appointment, a note from the appointment is sufficient.


Outside Media Release and Personal Consent Information forms must be completed and returned to the GSS office. Non-submitted forms will result in your child's photo not being in the yearbook, team photos, etc. If you have questions, please contact SD6's Information and Privacy Officer. 

Please see the KidSport Grant information for more details.


Coaches Roles and Responsibilities

GSS coaches act as team managers and are responsible for communicating with parents and players.  This will include changes to practices, games, and travel times. Coaches are also responsible for organizing Parent Drivers if required.  A manifest of Parent contact information is created once the team roster is submitted to the Athletic Director.

Requirements for Coaches

  1. Submit a Criminal Record Check that can be done at RCMP and submitted to office.  Free for volunteers
    1. Can be done online see form at the base of page
  2. Attend a Child Abuse Reporting Protocol information session annually
  3. Complete a CATT concussion training certificate online at: . Please forward the certificate to

Parent Drivers 

Will need to contact the Athletic Director and complete the following:

  • Submit a Criminal Record Check that can be done at RCMP and submitted to office.  Free for volunteers
  • Attend a Child Abuse Reporting Protocol information session annually
  • Submit a drivers abstract from the ICBC website here: ICBC Website Link
  • Submit copies of car insurance and driver's license
  • Have the vehicle inspected by an Administrator
  • Have winter tires that show the Snowflake symbol from Oct 1- April 30

Other coaching responsibilities include:

  • Submit a team roster to AD for player registration on BCSS
  • Connect with Parents for players with medical alerts regarding protocol in case of a medical emergency - anaphylaxis allergic reactions or seizures
  • Communicate with team about changes to games/practices via text and/or at practices
  • Distribute and record uniforms at start of season – Done in collaboration with the office, Vice-Principal and AD
  • Collect uniforms after last game of season
  • Wash, record, and return uniforms

Fundraising for athletics is reserved for Senior Teams attending Provincial Tournaments to help offset the costs associated with travel, accommodation, and entry fees.  All fundraising must be approved by Administration before it is organized. 

Tournament Responsibilities


  • Collect finalized copies of team manifest and permission forms before leaving for tournaments (1 copy of manifest and all permission forms at office, 1 copy of manifest and all permission forms for coach, 1 manifest for the bus driver each day)
  • All manifest changes need to be reported to the office or to Steve Wyer at 250-272-6513
  • Parents may not drive a student home after a game (other than their own child) without written consent on a permission form
  • Collect the Entry Fee Cheque, Medical Kit and Ball Bag for each tournament


  • Organize food with players for the Coaches room.
  • Run the tournament:
    • Record game scores and results, calculate pool play results
    • Manage scorekeepers
    • Hand out info/t-shirts/swag to all participating teams
    • Stay on site for the duration of the entire tournament to assist other team needs including first aid supplies
    • Clean up coach's room and gym at end of each day
    • Award trophy to winning team
    • AD will open/close the school to set alarm

*Note: ALL Coaching assignments are subject to the approval of the GSS administration, are made on a year-to-year basis, and are subject to review and the needs of the GSS Athletic Program.

​Coaches Code of Conduct COACHES CODE OF CONDUCT
​Playing Up Contract  Playing Up Letter And Form
​Online RCMP Clearance Information Online RCMP Clearance For Coaches
Team Roster  Team Roster Blank


Golden EAGLES Athletics relies on community volunteers and parents to take on coaching roles.  All coaches are required to have a Criminal Record Check valid within the previous 5 years from the Golden RCMP.  In addition, all coaches are required to complete an ANNUAL Child Abuse Reporting Protocol (CARP) session with a school administrator.  These CARP sessions are scheduled at the start of each school year at GSS and Lady Grey.  Please call the school for CARP session dates.


BC School Sport mandates that student-athletes can now play-up to a more senior team during league play without restriction on the number of days. A student-athlete who is otherwise eligible and is registered is eligible to join the more senior team in that sport after the completion of the lower age level team's restricted competition and play-off schedule. In certain situations, it may be beneficial for athletes to play a level above what they are registered. This is not a common occurrence, but may take place in specific situations where it benefits both the team and athlete. Coaches are not to 'recruit' junior age players. They are to speak directly with athletic director(s) and junior coach prior to expressing any interest to the junior age player. In these situations, the athlete, the family, coaches, and athletic directors are consulted. A final decision will be made by the GSS Athletic Committee.

The playing up contract must be filled out by the intended player, the junior coach, the senior coach and the athlete's parents. Once a player decides to play up, they are removed from the Junior roster and will no longer be able to play juniors for the season. For playing up contract, see section in handbook.


Junior Provincials are not sanctioned by BC School Sports. Therefore, junior teams wanting to compete at a junior provincial tournament must submit a written request to Golden's Athletic Director. The request will state their reasons to participate, players and chaperones committed to going, and a breakdown of costs. The request should be done as early in the season as possible so parents/guardians can be made aware of potential costs. No school funding is available. This tournament must not interfere with local zone championships. A final decision will be made by Golden's Athletic Committee.

Travel Per Diem

While traveling with a team for reason of athletics each coach should not incur any costs associated with food, accommodation, team expenses etc. To that, you have a meal allowance Per Diem of the following amounts:

Breakfast - $20 (Try and book accommodation that includes free breakfast, much simpler for athletes)

Lunch - $25

Dinner $30

Please keep all receipts from purchases for submission to the school office upon your return. If you incur food costs above amounts listed above contact the Athletic Director to discuss.

Note - as this is a school sports team, no alcohol, marijuana or other substances should be consumed while you have duty to care over the team and athletes. See coaches code of conduct above.



The goal of the Golden Secondary extra-curricular athletics program is to create not only well rounded athletes, but students and citizens of the Golden Community. We strive to provide the students of GSS with the opportunity to learn new sports, hone their skills and create lifelong skills and friendships that will serve them later in life. Whether these are communication skills through working as a team, hard work through rigorous training or playing for the Toronto Raptors in the NBA, we value commitment to the team, hard work and an intrinsic drive to better oneself.

As an athletics program we strive to uphold the following policies:

  • Positive experience
  • Opportunities for all
  • Athletic Skill and Personal Development
  • Enhance our school values
  • Child and student safety ­– Ensuring student safety is always our number one priority

The focus for teams at the Bantam (Gr 8) level is primarily on skill development and maximizing participation and emphasis for equal play. The Junior level (Gr 9/10) focuses on skill development and competitive play. As the season progresses, playtime may be affected depending on individual team's goals. At the Senior level (Gr 11/12), the focus shifts to competitive play, and equal playtime may not be possible. Commitment and dedication are demonstrated by regular attendance at practice and game play. Each player should set goals that include personal development.



Eagles Athletics has the highest of expectations for its coaches and athletes in their conduct. Above all else, athletes and coaches are expected to represent themselves and our school with respect, dignity, and sportsmanship. Whether on the playing field, or in public situations, athletes are expected to represent themselves, our school, and our community to the highest standard.

e.g. Being accepting of official’s calls, appropriate language, etc.


We encourage parents and fans to cheer for our teams. While it may be difficult, it is not all right to celebrate our opponents’ mistakes. Other sportsmanship suggestions include;

• All comments should be positive and have a supportive influence on athletic play.
• Be respectful to our officials.
• Take time to learn the rules and strategy of the game. By doing so, your spectator experience will become richer. 
Please note: a student-athlete who looks into the stands repeatedly for approval or disapproval during a game may be experiencing higher than normal anxiety.



THE 24/48 RULE
Sports and competition can become emotional. We love to watch our children and teams try their best and compete, but we may not always agree with how certain situations play out. For this reason, Eagles Athletics endorses the 24/48 rule. This rule states that parents and/or spectators who have a sport-related issue that requires direct contact with the coach or athletic/tournament-director wait 24 hours from the time of the incident to allow reflection and emotions to cool. The issue then must be brought to the coach’s attention in the next 48 hours, or be forever dropped. This system is used in many sports and has the best chance success rate in resolving issues. Coaches usually enjoy and appreciate feedback so long as it is done in a civilized manner. The 24/48 rule allows emotional topics to be discussed with part of the emotion removed, and also does not interrupt practice/game time.

As parents, we want to see our children succeed and be happy. As sports get more competitive, the risk of these two factors not happening increases. Coaches like to hear from you, however, please consider the following;
• Insist that your son/daughter try to work out their sport-related issue directly with their coach before enlisting your assistance. Learning to deal with authority figures is a major benefit of participating in organized sport.
• Avoid jumping to conclusions. Remember that some teenagers tend to exaggerate both when praised and criticized and that complicated decisions such as playing time are usually a product of many factors.
• Parents are encouraged to let their children experience sport for themselves. Although it may be difficult, it is often more beneficial to ‘step back’ and allow children to make their own experiences. Of course, if the case of clear physical or emotional distress arose, it would be important for parents to become involved.


Communication Pathway

In this District we focus on open communication and speaking with the direct person that is involved. To this end we ask that you following the list below in order to ensure the right information gets to the right people – for further details see SD6 policy 2710

  1. Coach – General team and player enquiries. If there is a potential continuous issue, please request a meeting to discuss directly with the coach first. If the coach is under the age of 19, then a teacher sponsor must be there to facilitate
  2. Staff sponsor/Teacher attached to the team (if applicable) – General team administrative inquires and team concerns. They are there for student wellbeing and general team organization.
  3. Athletic Director – Any general GSS athletics questions including volunteering process, recruitment, facility booking, injury reporting, budgets and all issues that have not been resolved at the coach or teacher sponsor level.
  4. Vice-Principal -  All appeals, major concerns and/or issues unable to be resolved by the Athletic Director. Any serious disciplinary issues or behavior that contradicts the spirit and philosophy of school sports.
  5. Principal – Final School level decisions and appeals.
  6. School Board - Final School District level decisions and appeals of decisions made by the Principal. Please visit the Collaborative Problem Solving document at the District Website to get details of this process.

Seasons of Play


Bantam - Grade 8
Junior - Grades 9 & 10
Senior - Grades 11 & 12

FALL SEASON (September- November)

Boys Volleyball (Bantam, Jr & Sr) 
Girls Volleyball (Bantam, Jr & Sr)
Boys Soccer (Bantam/Jr & Sr)
Aquatics (Boys/girls all levels)
Cross Country (Boys/Girls all levels)

WINTER SEASON (December-March)

Boys Basketball (Bantam, Jr & Sr)
Girls Basketball (Bantam, Jr & Sr)
Skiing (Boys/Girls all levels)
Snowboarding (Boys/Girls all levels)


Girls Soccer (Junior & Senior)
Rugby (Boys/Girls all levels)
Golf (Boys/Girls all levels)
Track and Field (Girls/Boys all levels)

KidSport Grants

Due to the new fee structure of sports at Golden Secondary School, every student athlete can apply to KidSport BC to help cover team fees.

For information or to apply visit the KidSport BC website:

KidSport BC Application

2021 KS BC Application


Other Grants

You can apply for a Children's Fitness Tax Credit, for more information please see the CRA website: CRA Children's Fitness Tax Credit