Phone: (250) 344-4548
Principal: Lisa Tenta
Teacher: Rebecca Pilon
Golden Alternate School
School hours are:
Monday to Friday: 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
We are located at 902 9th St. S. in Golden
Golden Alternate School is a program accommodating Grade 10, 11 and 12 students. The staff consists of one teacher, a full-time Youth Care Worker, one part-time teacher, and a part-time Aboriginal Education Support Worker.
Students interested in attending the Golden Alternate School must apply.
Please click here for an application package.

Because of the demand for the program and to ensure that the program is appropriate for the students, all applications for the Golden Alternate School are reviewed by a screening committee.
Golden Alternate School offers the following to those students seeking admission:
- Academic credit toward a Grade 12 standing earned through a wide range of Ministry of Education approved programmed learning materials.
- While regular attendance is mandatory at the alternate school, we offer an option to complete graduation on a course by course structure.
- Students enrolled in the program will be required to make a written commitment to:
- adhere to their individual academic program
- attend regularly - our district expectation for success is 80% attendance
- adhere to the school code of conduct