About GSS

Facts about GSS

GSS Logo

1.  There are about 340 students at GSS. The Principal is Ms. Kelsey Doolaar and our Vice-Principal is Mr. Michael Archibald.  

These administrators can be reached at 250-344-2201 or by e-mail if you have any questions about this information. The e-mail addresses are: firstname.lastname@sd6.bc.ca. We also have a large number of teachers and support staff.  In an effort to go paperless as often as we can, our School no longer uses a fax machine so please use the general email address instead: GoldenSecondary@sd6.bc.ca.  

2.  Our School Code of Conduct is called "GSS R.O.C.K.S."  It is posted around the School, and is also in our school calendar and on our website.  R.O.C.K.S. outlines our expectations for student behaviour and means Respectful, Organized, Cooperative, Kind and Safe.  Students who follow R.O.C.K.S. will be successful at GSS.

3.  Lockers are assigned by School office staff.  Except in special circumstances, students are assigned individual lockers in designated areas; students are expected to use only the locker assigned to them for the year.  Any change in locker location must be approved and recorded by the School administration.  Combination locks are placed on all lockers by School staff and students are charged a $10.00 refundable fee. These locks are the only locks acceptable for use on the lockers at GSS. Lockers belong to the School and are subject to inspection.  Locks must be used (and locked) at all times. Once the students no longer need to use the locker (usually after the last exam,) the students must ensure the locker is empty and clean.  The lock is then to be returned to the School office, in order to receive the full credit.  This credit is rolled over to the next school year and is refunded when the student leaves GSS (graduates/moves).

4. School at GSS begins with a warning bell at 8:40 and the first class begins at 8:45 am.  The school day ends at 3:15.  There are two 12 minute Nutrition Breaks (10:03-10:15 and 1:45-1:57) and a 52 minute lunch (11:33-12:25.)  We expect all of our students to be on time for all classes.  

5.  If students are going to be absent or late for any reason, parents must call the office to let us know.  Failure to do this will mean that the student will appear truant on the daily attendance report and parents will receive a phone call from our Safearrivals automated system.

6.  If students have an appointment during the day (i.e. doctor, dentist, physio, etc.,) parents must send a note to the office, or phone the office, or email the School in order for the student to be released.  Students must always come to the office and follow the sign-out procedure.\

7. Picture Day usually happens in mid September.  This date is in the School calendar but is subject to change.  Students will be advised as to when the picture is to be taken.  Following picture day, students will receive 2 proofs, and will return the proof along with payment in the envelope provided.  Photo packages will be received a few weeks later. Regardless of whether or not you purchase any pictures, the photos will be used in the yearbook, as well as student ID cards.

**IMPORTANT – RETAKE DAY INFORMATIONPrior to Retake Day, students who did not get their picture taken on the first picture day must obtain a picture envelope from the School office, select the package they want, enclose the payment for that package, bring it with them on Retake Day and give it directly to the photographer.

Students who did get their picture taken on the first picture day and are not happy with the proofs, must use the original envelope – write "RETAKES" over the original proofs.  Students should select the package they want, enclose the payment for that package, bring it with them on Retake Day and give it directly to the photographer. 

8.  Our School has an Emergency Action Plan which is an in-depth plan for how we would respond in the event of an emergency.  Should the School be evacuated during inclement weather, the plan calls for moving students to Alexander Park Elementary School.  If, for some reason, we are not able to re-enter our building, students will be dismissed and bussed home if necessary.  Because it is not practical to phone parents in such a situation, it is imperative that each parent establish a protocol with their child (to contact you at work, to contact grandparents, etc.) to ensure their safe arrival home.  This should be reviewed before school begins each year.

9.  Formal Student Progress Reports are issued after the end of each reporting period (there are four of these altogether.)  All students will receive interim reports for each course they are taking in October.  Some students will receive interim reports for their second semester courses in March. 

Students may receive an "I" (incomplete/in progress) report from a teacher (a copy will be mailed/emailed home) at any time during a term if progress in any course is unsatisfactory.  Students who receive an "I" letter grade on a formal report will receive an "I" Plan at least once before the student receives a failing grade.  These reports will indicate a specific time period available and a work plan to enable students to achieve a passing grade.

Formal Parent-Teacher meetings are scheduled in October and again in March each year.  The dates will be published in the newsletter and parents are asked to schedule appointments with teachers by calling the school secretaries during business hours (8:00 am – 4:00 pm.) 

10.  The process for distributing reports cards is:

       a) The school secretary will e-mail a notice out to all parents advising them that report cards are ready for pick up at the school office.​​​

       b)  If a parent does not wish their child to pick up the report card to bring home, they are to phone the school to advise the secretaries of this.

       c)  Otherwise report cards will be given to students with the direction that they bring them home to their parents.

       d) If the report card does not successfully make its way home, a copy will be made available for you to come and pick up​.

11.  Final assessme​nts are held in most subjects, in January for first semester courses and in June for linear and second semester courses. Grade 10, 11 and 12 students will have designated exam days at the end of the first semester.  On those days, Grade 8 & 9 students will attend school as usual, but Grades 10, 11 and 12 are only required to attend school to write an exam if they have one or if they are scheduled in a Grade 9 class.  At the end of the year, ALL students will have several designated exam days.​

12.  We have a School Lunch Program that provides nutritious meals daily. Lunches must be pre-ordered and pre-paid.  Forms are available at the office, as well as the on the GSS website.  $10 and $25 lunch cards are also available and can be purchased at the School office.

13. Sports Teams – There are numerous sports teams that run practices and try-outs for students in all grades.  Bantam is for Grade 8's, Juniors for Grades 9 & 10, and Seniors for Grades 11 & 12.  Students must listen to announcements or watch the message board in the forum for dates and times.  

French Immersion

Golden Secondary offers instruction in French in two formats: French as a Second Language and Late French Immersion.

Communication is the fundamental goal of the French as a Second Language program. Oral and written activities provide opportunities for true communication about teen subjects.

In this program, students share real information while expressing themselves in French. We use videos, comic strips, plays, and language monitors as well as a variety of other resources. We focus on topics of interest including food, friendship and fashion to create a link between what is taught in the classroom and daily life. On occasion, opportunities to travel to a French-speaking area are provided through the French Department.

The Late French Immersion program begins in Golden at Lady Grey Elementary in grade 4. Students at the elementary school study all subjects in French. In grade 8, students begin to study course material in English while still taking FRAL, PHE and electives in French.