Programs & Supports

Applied Design, Skills and Technology

Applied Design, Skills and Technology logo

The Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies curriculum builds on students' natural curiosity, inventiveness, and desire to create and work in practical ways. It harnesses the power of learning by doing, and provides the challenging fun that inspires students to dig deeper, work with big ide​as, and adapt to a changing world. It provides learning opportunities through which students can discover their interests in practical and purposeful ways.

Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies includes skills and concepts from the disciplines of Metalwork, Woodwork, Automotive Technology, Media Design, and Computer Programming, as well as rich opportunities for cross-curricular work and space for new and emerging areas, such as Media Arts.

Home Economics and Culinary Arts are also very popular courses at GSS.  They include Home Economics 8-12, Art Culinary 10, Cuisine 11 and 12



graphic that says "english language arts"

Students are guided to think critically, creatively, and reflectively; to construct a sense of personal and cultural identity; and to be respectful of a range of perspectives and worldviews. A variety of literature and writing styles are explored. 

The following courses are offered at GSS

  1. English 8-9
  2. Composition 10-12
  3. Creative Writing 10-12
  4. New Media 10-12

Fine Arts Education - Drama, Music, Visual Arts

music, masks, drum, paint brushes, guitar

The redesigned Arts Education curriculum strives to galvanize students' artful habits of mind through engaged arts learning.  Our school offers three core discipline-specific programs — drama, music, and visual arts — that capture the language, activities, and experiences unique to each of those disciplines.

They include the following:

  1. Choral Music 8-12
  2. Art Studio 8-12
  3. Drama 8-12
  4. Band 8-12

Health, Career, and Planning

Health, Career, and Planning info graphic

Health and Career Education and Planning aim to prepare students for today's rapidly changing workplace environments.  Students are encouraged to find post-secondary institutions and programs that will lead to fulfilling education and career options after high school. Workplace injury prevention and increased responsibility for personal safety is explored.  

Career Education Courses include:

  • Career Education 8/9
  • Career Life Education 10
  • Career Life Connections 12 (mandatory)

Healthy working, personal, and family relationships are linked to living fulfilling lives, and students explore strategies for effective communication and establishing and respecting boundaries.  Understanding healthy life choices can lead us to better physical, emotional, and social well-being, and students explore ways to live healthy lives.​

Physical and Health Courses include :

  • Physical Education 8-10
  • Fitness and Conditioning 11/12
  • Active Living 11/12

Lunch Program

​GSS offers a daily lunch program to its students.  Meals must be pre-ordered and prepaid.  Cheques should be made payable to G.S.S. 

TO CANCEL a meal and receive a credityou must call the lunch coordinator by 10:00 A.M.  Call (250) 344-2201  ext. 4447  

PLEASE NOTE: Lunch programs are temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 crisis.  This will be reviewed as the year progresses.


graph with math functions on it

Welcome to the GSS Math department.  Besides being everyone's fav​ourite subject, Math is also a required subject up to and including Grade 11.  The Math courses offered at GSS include Foundations, Pre-Calculus, Calculus and Workplace Math beginning at the Grade 10 level.  Any questions about course offerings or your child's suitability in any of these courses can be directed to their current math teacher. 

Rocky Mountain Online Learning

illustration of laptop and video call

Rocky Mountain School District #6 offers online education/distance learning options through Rocky Mountain Online Learning

For more information visit the RMOL website, which can be accessed here.


science info graphic

From subatomic particles to galaxies and beyond – students in science classes explore matter, energy, and life through observation and experimentation.

Students are required to take Science 8-10 and then can choose from the following senior courses:

  • Chemistry 11/12
  • Anatomy and Physiology 12
  • Earth Science 11
  • Physics 11/12

Social Studies

social studies word graphic

The primary goal of Social Studies education is to give students the knowledge, skills, and competencies to be active, informed citizens who are able to think critically, understand and explain the perspectives of others, make judgments, and communicate ideas effectively.

At GSS, students study a wide variety of topics that encourage them to make connections related to important personal and global issues. At present, students are required to take Social Studies 8, 9, 10,  with one additional mandatory course in Grade 11/12, such as Law, History in the 20th Century, or Genocide Studies.